
Lecturers and Researchers

  • Dr. Máté Cserép, Department of Software Technology and Methodology
  • Dr. István Elek, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics
  • Dr. Tekla Tóth, Department of Artificial Intelligence
  • dr. Zoltán Vincellér, Department of Information Systems
  • Dr. Gábor Fábián, Department of Numerical Analysis
  • Dr. Péter Hudoba, Department of Computer Algebra


  • Péter Papp, 2023-2024
    Topic: Concurrent vegetation detection and change analysis on ALS point clouds
  • Márton Gőgös, 2023-2024
    Topic: Riverside and water surface waste detection on satellite images using normalization and change detection methods
  • Rómeó Striegl, András Gyarmati, 2023-2024
    Topic: Mesh generation from registered LiDAR – camera data
  • Csaba Kebelei, 2023-2024
    Topic: Scheduling algorithm development for industrial applications
  • Tamás Troszt, 2022-2024
    Topic: Effective waste detection methods on water using satellite images

Previous students

  • Dávid Székely, 2023-2024
    Topic: Maritime vehicle detection based on ALS point clouds and digital elevation models
    Results: MSc thesis
  • Botond Dénes, 2022-2024
    Topic: Using Random Forest in near-water waste detection on multispectral satellite imagery
    Results: TDK thesis (in Hungarian), praise at faculty TDK conference
  • Gergely Erdődi, 2023
    Topic: Combined building and tree segmentation based on ALS point clouds
    Results: MSc thesis
  • Márk Márki, Réka Kertész, 2022-2023
    Topic: C++ implementation of sphere-based LiDAR – camera calibration
  • Szabolcs Csuka, 2022-2023
    Topic: Automated LiDAR-camera calibration
  • Ertl Dénes, 2022-2023
    Topic: Automatic rail tie recognition and error detection using LiDAR point clouds
    Results: MSc thesis
  • Attila Láber, 2022-2023
    Topic: Catenary segmentation and error detection in LiDAR point clouds
    Results: MSc thesis
  • Péter Farkas, Dominik Jámbor, 2021-2022
    Topic: LiDAR point cloud positioning using sensor fusion
    Results: MSc thesis, TDK thesis, 1st prize at faculty TDK conference, Nokia Young Scientist Award
  • Milán Horváth, 2021-2022
    Topic: Automated error detection of railway infrastructure in LiDAR point clouds
    Results: MSc thesis (in Hungarian)
  • Dávid Magyar, 2021-2024
    Topic: Waste Detection and Change Analysis based on Multispectral Satellite Imagery
    Results: BSc thesis (in Hungarian), TDK thesis (in Hungarian), 3rd prize at national OTDK conference, 2nd prize at faculty TDK conference
  • Fruzsina Jécsák, Dávid Kilácskó, 2021-2022
    Topic: Flood and waterlogging detection on multitemporal satellite images
    Results: BSc thesis (in Hungarian), TDK thesis (in Hungarian), 3rd prize at faculty TDK conference
  • Roland Krisztandl, 2021-2022
    Topic: Surface classification of LiDAR point clouds using machine learning
    Results: BSc thesis (in Hungarian), TDK thesis (in Hungarian), praise at faculty TDK conference
  • Dávid Borbély, Tamás Tarczali, 2020-2021
    Topic: Examination of drone imagery processing algorithms
    Results: MSc thesis (in Hungarian)
  • Balázs Tábori, 2019-2021
    Topic: Fragmentation of railway LiDAR point clouds
    Results: MSc thesis (in Hungarian)
  • Adalbert Demján, 2019-2020
    Topic: Rail object detection based on VLS point clouds
    Results: MSc thesis
  • Friderika Mayer, 2019-2020
    Topic: Powerline tracking and extraction from dense LiDAR point clouds
    Results: MSc thesis
  • Roxána Provender, 2019-2020
    Topic: Spatial localization of LiDAR point clouds using sensor fusion
    Results: MSc thesis (in Hungarian)
  • Levente Kiss, 2019-2020
    Topic: Comparative analysis of LiDAR-based SLAM algorithms
  • Anett Fekete, 2018-2019
    Topic: Change Detection of Vegetation Based on LiDAR Data
    Results: MSc thesis, TDK thesis, 2nd prize at faculty TDK conference, IEEE HS Student Paper Contest III. prize
  • Mátyás Pitlik, 2018-2019
    Topic: Contour-based building recognition and change detection from LiDAR data
    Results: MSc thesis, TDK thesis, 3rd prize at faculty TDK conference
  • Benjámin Dorogi, 2018-2019
    Topic: Version control of spatial data in Quantum GIS
    Results: BSc thesis (in Hungarian)